Editing iptables on a Centos machine? Firstly you can check your rules like so – iptables -L cd /home/richard iptables-save > 08-05-2015.rules vi 08-05-2015.rules (add your rules) iptables-restore < 08-05-2015.rules services iptables save iptables -L – You should now see your ..
Tag : centos
I had to move a mysql datadir to a new partition as it was stored in /var/lib/mysql but df -h showed the main partition being /data and the / partition was now full up. This was a Centos machine. I stopped mysql – /etc/init.d/mysqld stop I copied the mysql databases over to the new directory ..
Vi delete from line1 to current :1,.d This deletes lines 1 to current. :1,.-1d This deletes lines 1 to abov..
I installed a certificate for apache to enable SSL on a website. To create the CSR for the authority it asks for a passphrase. When you install the certificate and restart the httpd service it asks for the passphrase, so it needs to be removed from the private key. To do this use ..